Getting Started with QuickBooks Online

Have you recently purchased QuickBooks Online? Here are some tips to help you set it up

  1. Set up your company file. First, you need to answer a few questions about your business. You will then be brought to the dashboard, or your homepage. Add all necessary information about your business through “Settings” and “Account and settings”
  2. Link your bankand credit card accounts. This new feature will help you save an amazing amount of time going forward! All you have to do is select “Bookkeeping”, then “Transactions” and then “Bank transaction”. You can now select “Connect acocunt. All that’s left now is sign in to your bank account. From now on you will see that recent transactions are automatically downloaded and categorized. 
  1. Customise your invoices, add your logo! You can edit the design of your invoices, i.e. the logo, color or font. Under “Content” you can adjust your company information. Lastly, if you want to send custom notes to your customers, these can be added through the “Email” feature. 
  2. Set up sales tax.This is a quick step! Simply click into “Taxes” and choose your tax period, reporting method an filing frequency, and you are done”
  3. Add your accountant.To set up your accountant you have to go to “Settings”, “Manage users” and then into “Accounting Firms”. Add your accountants email address and they will receive a link to log into your company file. 

More invoicing tips for QuickBooks Online


  1. If you are adding a logo, make sure you follow these recommendations:
    1. a .gif, .bmp, .png, .jpg, .jpe, or .jpeg file
    2. smaller than 10 MB
    3. 24-bits or less in bit depth (or color depth)
    4. Square or circular-shaped
  2. Check for personality and tone: Do you want to sound casual or official? Do you address your customers by their first name?
  3.  If you search for “Transactions” and select “All Sales” in “Bookkeeping”, you can search for Quotes and turn these into Invoices. In the “Action” column, simply select “Convert to Invoice”. 
  4. You can track if someone opened an invoice and follow up for payment immediately. 
  5. Set up “Recurring Transactions” by sekecting “Gear” – “Recurring Transactions” and then “New”. Simply select “Invoice” next, set the type to “Scheduled” and adjust your automatically send emails settings. 

If you want to purchase QuickBooks Online, or if you need to migrate your data to QuickBooks Online, you can contact us through email info@accountancysoftware.ie or call at 01 612 0821. To start the migration process, simply fill out the form below. 

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